Career Counseling
Career Exploration
Visit our career exploration page for helpful websites to assist in making career decisions.
Career Counseling
If you are undecided about your career path, there are resources to help you to realize careers that may fit your interests, personality and aptitude. Career counseling is available to students at no charge.
To schedule career counseling, please complete the Registration Form. Once the completed registration form is received, the college counselor will call to schedule a 1-hour in-person career counseling session.
Career Assessment Options
Career assessments can be useful to help clarify your personal, academic, and career decisions.
The following assessments can increase your awareness of career interests and opportunities:
ASVAB Career Exploration Program:
The ASVAB Career Exploration Program may be offered during each semester if sufficient student interest is expressed by completing the Registration Form. Find out more about the ASVAB Test Information.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI):
- Choose this test if you are more interested in understanding who you are than obtaining specific career titles. This test will identify job families/broad occupational areas.
- Choose this test if you need help in identifying a course of study.
- Is often used by adults in career transition and younger adults/adolescents.
- Identifies strengths & potential weaknesses of your type in career search process.
- $20.00 for current Kirtland students.
Strong Interest Inventory, (SII)
- Choose this test if you are interested in choosing appropriate education and training based on your interests (skills and abilities are not assessed).
- Identifies career options that reflect your interests in occupational fields.
- Helps you understand how elements of a job may differ from studying the subject
- Identifies typical college majors and extracurricular activities or internships that provide “real-world” experience.
- Shows your personal preferences for risk-taking, leadership and teamwork.
- $20.00 for current Kirtland students.
Career Assessment Procedures
- Complete the Registration Form to identify which career assessment you wish to take.
- Check your KMail after submitting the registration form for helpful websites and next steps.
- If registering for a career assessment that requires payment (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or Strong Interest Inventory), call or visit Student Financial Services (989) 275-5000 ext. 257 to pay for desired test. Acceptable forms of payment include cash, check, or credit/debit card. Phone purchase requires a credit or debit card.
- Once the College Counselor receives notice of your payment and a test session is set up, you will receive an email in KMail with instructions and a link to the career assessment. You will have 2 weeks from the date of the email to the assessment at Kirtland’s Testing Center in Grayling or any place conducive to testing with internet access. The instructions will provide all needed information and “next steps”.
- Once the career assessment is completed, the College Counselor will call to schedule an in-person meeting to discuss the results and provide you with the full report.