POL 4.030 Credit by Examination
Students who believe they have achieved the equivalent knowledge and/or skills of a particular Kirtland Community College course may choose to take a competency examination in order to earn credit for that specific college-level course. This is called credit by examination.
Credit may be awarded by taking and passing a nationally recognized standardized examination or by taking an institutionally developed examination.
The counseling office will maintain a list of nationally recognized standardized examinations and their Kirtland course equivalents.
A request for an institutionally developed examination will only be authorized if no nationally recognized standardized examination is available and if the appropriate dean or director approves the request.
A fee will be charged for each examination provided by the college. The amount of the examination fee will be determined by the college’s administration.
Revised November 11, 1993
Revised January 5, 2017
To view the procedure, go to PRO 4.030 Credit by Examination