POL 5.005 Employee Code of Conduct
It is a goal of Kirtland Community College to consistently promote adherence to the principles of respect, integrity, honesty, reliability, transparency, and accountability. In line with these principles, employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with college policies, community expectations, best professional standards, and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Conduct Standard: Legal Integrity
All employees must comply with applicable laws, practices, and policies to protect the institution’s legality. Kirtland expects employees to act ethically and responsibly when working with institutional finances, students, partnerships, collaborations, and public image.
Further, authorization by the President or their designee is required to state a college opinion or position in public. Any employee communicating publicly on matters involving the College must state clearly and unequivocally that they are expressing a personal viewpoint and not an official position. An employee who makes a public comment that reduces the ability of the administration to manage the affairs of the College will be subject to discipline.
Conduct Standard: Protection/Use of Kirtland Property
All employees are expected to treat Kirtland property, whether material, intangible, intellectual, or incorporeal, with respect and care. In addition, employees are expected to avoid using College property, equipment, or supplies for personal, religious, or political purposes except as permitted by College procedure or permission by the President of Kirtland. Employees are prohibited from using College property in violation of state and federal law.
Conduct Standard: Professionalism/Business Ethics
All employees must show integrity and professionalism inside and outside the workplace and consistently demonstrate through actions and words, a commitment to the well-being of the College, including students and employees.
Employees are expected to devote their full professional services and their individual skills to the service of the College and promote the interest of the College through effective partnerships and collaborations across functions, vendors, communities, and others associated with the College.
Conduct Standard: Conflict of Interest
Kirtland expects employees to avoid engaging in any personal, financial, or other interests that might hinder their capability or willingness to perform their job duties. Any existing or potential legal/ethical conflict must be promptly disclosed to a supervisor. Situations may include:
- Understanding that outside employment must not interfere with the performance of the employee’s duties and responsibilities to Kirtland.
- Refraining from using an employee’s position for the purpose of advancing their personal interests or the interest of any other party.
- Ensuring that leadership roles in external religious, charitable, educational, or civic activities do not interfere with the performance of duties and responsibilities at Kirtland, nor that any participation results in the coercion of other employees to participate or contribute.
- Avoiding the assignment of an immediate family member to a direct reporting relationship with another immediate family member, or an individual with whom there is a close personal relationship.
- Requiring notification to an employee’s immediate supervisor when a family member, or an individual with whom there is a close personal relationship, becomes a student within the employee’s classroom or area of responsibility to request collaboration in the evaluation/processing of that individual.
Conduct Standard: Respect and Ethical Consideration
All employees should appreciate, value, and respect their colleagues and their diverse backgrounds and life experiences and actively seek to understand and include others regardless of differences.
Kirtland prohibits any kind of discriminatory or unethical behavior, harassment, or victimization. And encourages all employees to effectively collaborate as a member of a diverse organization.
Employee behavior should conform with Kirtland’s expectations in all aspects of their work, and ensure neither favoritism toward nor discrimination against any individual.
Conduct Standard: Gifts and Gratuities
Kirtland discourages employees from accepting gifts, entertainment, personal favors, or preferential treatment that could influence, or reasonably appear to influence, decisions in favor of any person or organization seeking business with or providing services to the College.
Kirtland prohibits briberies for the benefit of any external or internal party.
Conduct Standard: Duty to Report
Employees subject to this Code of Conduct have an affirmative duty to timely report any violations of this Code of Conduct or other applicable law governing conduct at Kirtland.
Administration and employees must abstain from behaviors that coerce, intimidate, discriminate, or retaliate against any person filing a complaint and/or assisting in the investigation of a complaint.
Kirtland will not condone the activities of employees who, for whatever purpose or goal, knowingly and willfully violate the intentions of this policy. Failure by an employee to meet required standards will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Employees uncertain about the application or interpretation of any legal or policy requirements shall refer the matter to their supervisor or other appropriate Kirtland staff, who will obtain expert professional advice and counsel where necessary.
August 11, 1983
Revised March 16, 2006
Revised May 31, 2012
Revised May 19, 2022