Disability Related Links
The individuals, organizations, and services listed are for informational purposes only. Kirtland Community College in no way endorses or recommends any of the following:
Americans with Disabilities Act
The website for assistance and technical information on the Americans with Disabilities Act
The federal website connecting the disability community to information and opportunities
A resource for information on accommodations in the workplace
Learning Disabilities Association of Michigan
The website for the statewide organization that provides information on issues related to learning disabilities
Michigan Association on Higher Education and Disability
The website for the statewide organization that provides resources for issues related to disabilities in higher education
Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Person
The state of Michigan website providing information about services for the blind or visually impaired
The website for the statewide organization for, of and by Deaf people
Michigan Rehabilitation Services
The state of Michigan website that provides information on employment services available for persons with disabilities
The state of Michigan website that provides information on the communication systems available for the hearing impaired.
National non-profit dedicated to helping students with print disabilities, including blindness, visual impairment and dyslexia.
U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs: Vocational Rehabilitation
The federal website that provides information to veterans with disabilities